Unfortunately on the Eastern Shore of Maryland there has been an extreme lack of "thin blue line" mentality. Much of this can be found in the rank and file personnel of any department. Most of the time the lack of the Thin Blue Line is because of personal jealousies, brownnosers, ass kissers, and paid blow jobbers. Many cops, for whatever reason, are jealous of each other's accomplishments and therefore make it an effort to talk behind each other's backs. Also, cops are afraid of administration because they see what administration does to individual officers and they think they are lucky it's not them and move on. However, this attitude is what keeps cops separated from each other.
It is not required that you like each other or enjoy each other but here's the deal. If you are a line supervisor who enjoys writing people up for minor violations of policy because you feel that's what admin wants you to do and it will score you points, stop it. You are a brownnoser and not a member of the thin blue line. If you are an officer, stop talking smack about other officers, it creates non cohesion. Attend union meetings regularly. Stop trying to ladder climb. Ignore ass kissers.
Ass kissers, those who score points for promotion and/or special transfer, jobs, etc. are one of the worst thin blue line abusers. Stay away from them.
Kinda looks like Richardson, except with hair.
HA! Yeah well neither of them have personalities.
This is totally a nonproductive exchange. And, you are pissing us off with your juvinile crap. Again, clearly demonstrating the lack of a thin blue line within your agency. Maybe we should take a nail gun and drive it into your skull. If you have something to contribute of value to this article on how to improve agency relations to personnel, please make suggestions. However, this is not a forum to beat each other up. Reguardless of who works in where or if someone is funny or has a personality or etc. It is a pointless and juvinile discussion. Please keep your comments to the topic at hand. Discontinue or if you like there are other blogs out there that will enjoy your brand of intoxicated self lothing. Now get the hell off our stoop.
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