Andrew McDonald is thinking of running for office in 2010. Here is our take on this:
Andrew McDonald (barf) is a sidewinding, two headed snake and we vehemently oppose his election to office. Andrew was once an Assistance States Attorney for Wicomico County and handled the "Exile" program where he put people away for carrying firearms. However, he left the states attorney's office and went into private practice for himself, DEFENDING these criminals carrying firearms. Further, he routinely called police officers to the stand, of whom HE USED AS PREVIOUS WITNESSES AS A STATES ATTORNEY, and questioned their integrity, hinting that they were less than honest, and BROUGHT UP PRIOR CASES WHICH HE WAS A STATES ATTORNEY AND USED THE SAME POLICE WITNESS, TO USE AGAINST THEM IN COURT (which is completely unethical). Now, this guy wants to be the States Attorney for Wicomico?
We don't think so, we poop on you Andrew McDonald. Poop. Poop. Poop. He defends drug dealers, petty criminals, murders, and pedophiles (this information directly from his website).What kind of person could go from putting people in jail for guns, which incidentally are being carried and used in each armed robbery we have had, and then do a complete 180 and be defending these criminals so they can get out and rob you and your family at gunpoint and possibly kill you (like the shell station robbery) and then want to be a states attorney? Is this the clown we want protecting us from criminals??. Why would he do something like this? For money at the safety of citizens expense. Do not even consider voting for this snake in the grass. God help us all if this guy is elected. This guy also defends sex offenders! Here is what is published directly off his website dated (07/01/09) Andrew McDonald's Website (07/01/09)...Nice, Eh?
Child Pornography - Or Not? Anyone - you, me, your neighbor - might have child pornography stored on a computer. Is it a crime? Not necessarily. It is only a crime if one "knowingly" possesses it. With all the viruses, malware, spyware and other malignant software infecting the Internet, you may have no idea exactly what you possess. Another question arises in child pornography charges - how old is the person in the picture? It's not always so clear. That the person depicted is a minor is a basic element of the charge, and one that can be difficult for the prosecution to establish. Attorneys must be aggressive in defending in charges of sex crimes and child abuse. Too often, people with grudges have manipulated the system and turned an accused's world upside down. We can help you no matter what charges you face, including:
indecent exposure
physical and sexual child abuse
child pornography
child molestation
chat room offenses
attempted criminal sexual conduct
Call me, Andrew M. MacDonald, today and let us discuss the best way to defend you against the sexual crime charge you face.
What a nice guy!
Hah! I just printed Andrew McPoop's picture out and wiped my butt with it!!!
Wow, I am completely shocked at his words of wisdom concerning child abuse and pornography. What a complete idiot. Someone that arrogant deserves to get his ass wooped in a jury trial for such offenses. We'll see how much he knows then. Jackass!
Ol mcdonald seems to like sex offenses, I guess the saying is true "if you can't beat it, join em" or something like that! Piece of @#$@# is right! what a sell out. Karma will come back to haunt him one day. I wonder what it is like taking drug money and money tainted by the hands of child sex offenders to earn a living. Hey Andrew-would you let your clients babysit your kids?! But they just happened to have child porn on their computer, just like everyone, right? Yeah that's what I thought!
Andrew. Don't waste your time or money. You have proven that your integrity can be bought and sold. That's not what we need in the office of the S/A. I concur with the others - giant steamy poopy stacked high on top of Andrew McDonald.
Sad. Andy McDonald is a sad excuse for a human being. Sold to the highest bidder. He always had plans to be a defense lawyer, thats why he became an assist states attorney to handle the exile cases. Screw him. Every time I see him in court, he has his head so far up his ass, thinks hes the greatest. What a fucking moron. Fuck him.
I have to disagree. Andrew just did get the inside line on several law enforcement officers in this county that practice questionable means to get the job done. Are they getting the job done? yes but sometimes they push the line of what is legal. Andrew is a smart attorney who sees beyond what the cops and asa say what happened. Also he never planned to leave, if Davis and the council would give these guys a raise he would have never left. It is a shame that the assistant states attorneys are making less then most of the deputies or troopers.
who will run for SA? Give all the names and comments, shoot do a poll!
This buttwipe is going to make it very easy for Davis Ruark to retain his seat. He's counting on people holding the DWI against Davis in the next election. Lets see, do we want a recovering alcoholic for a SA or a scumbag defender of child molester? I'll take the drunk anyday.
Why dont you add to this title that Andrew is not and has never planned to run for States Attorney. Why would he give up a 300+ k job to work at a job that is much much harder for less than 100K. Quit the crap call him and ask him, he will tell you that he has no plans to run.
I will not vote for Rurak, no matter who is running against him.
That's blood money they pay you with andrew. I don't see how you can look at yourself in the mirror. You are making your living off the souls of children.
Who gives a crap if he runs or not, he's still a poop head. He represents child molesters. So, that's better that he is getting paid more to represent sex offenders. From asst. states attorney to representing child molesters and sex offenders. Thats just great. We poop on him. Pooooooooooooooooop.
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