Copied from WCSO Website..
Sheriff Lewis retired as a Sergeant with the Maryland State Police, Pro-Active Criminal Enforcement Team (PACE) after twenty-two years of loyal and dedicated service. In addition to his duties as the agency’s leading Criminal Interdiction Expert, Sheriff Lewis remains a CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR through the Maryland Police Training Commission, and a certified MASTER INSTRUCTOR through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Sheriff Lewis was directly responsible for the training and educating of all Maryland State Police personnel in the Criminal Interdiction Venue.
He pioneered the Drug Interdiction Program along Maryland ’s notorious U.S. Rt. 13 corridor, coordinating many multi-jurisdictional investigations following the seizures of large amounts of illegal contraband. During his twenty-two years as a Maryland State Trooper, he made many nationally recognized seizures of CRACK COCAINE along Maryland ’s East Coast.
Sheriff Lewis has trained tens of thousands of law enforcement officers extensively throughout the United States and Canada as well as other parts of the world to include; Australia , London , Germany , Russia & the West Indies . Sheriff Lewis has been judicially recognized by the federal & state courts of this country as an EXPERT in the areas of Highway Interdiction, Hidden Compartments & Drug Valuation.
Retired from the Maryland State Police effective July 1st, 2006, he was elected SHERIFF of Wicomico County, Maryland on November 7th 2006.
Have you worked for him? He will smile and shake your hand then stand back and let his admin poop on you BIG TIME. Some peons think that things are hidden from him by his admin but i don't think he is that out of the loop even though he is rarely in county. $80 K plus all that teaching $$$$$. Iask you esteaming board at the crapper does he really care about you if your not worth anything politically or are unabe to brush his ego? Please open your eyes!
Say what you want about Mike Lewis cause I'm gonna say what I want, right here and now. I have never felt safer in this county than since Mike took office. I do not know this man personally but feel like I've known him all of my life because this is how he makes you feel when you meet him while campaigning. I will vote for Mike Lewis as often as he runs for office. The only people in fear of Mike are those that know they can no longer operate business as usual.
Besides his ability as the top LEO in the county, the man has purchased the best equipment his department has seen in years and it was paid for with dope money. How can you not want a man like this in the catbird seat?
Business as usual... things are worse now than when hunter was here. Moral is in the crapper. Look next time how man Deputies do not put his yard sign up. Let those actions speak. The Sheriff is a personable fellow but look through the window dressing at the substance of what he says. He is one hell of a salesman. If you know any of the Deputies really well ask them privately. The percentage of Deputies that really respect him is few and far between. There is a difference between fear and respect.
Well he takes the window dressing far, I must say. To be out on numerous nights after 6,7,8,9, and the lastest I've heard on the scanner was 11:30 pm. If Car 1 is his car?
Remember, he is a "elected official" (politician) now. He is not going to do it for you. You need to get your collective bargaining going to do it yourselves.
Those who work there (road cops) see him about once every other month, so it is hard to make a determination.
If the Sheriff used his political pull to assist his Deputies the FOP and The County (ie: the tax payers) would all save alot of money fighting for collective bargaining. Does the Sheriff want his Deputies to bargain (imagine a office with a grievence policy to protect the Deputies) or does he want that big new building on Route 50 at Walston Switch Rd?
Yeah what a great guy. Look what he just did to that poor bastard that's now back in property. I will never support mike lewis again. He's abusive to his staff which he really never sees. He's out teaching constantly making money on top of the tax money that we pay him. His deputies got him elected last election. They won't make the same mistake again. He's the worst sheriff. Wish we had hunter back.
I am glad to see that you have changed the status of him from supported by The Crapper to I guess no comment. Being pro peon, the way he runs his office needs to be audited by an experienced nonbaised outside trained observer. Any ideas on qualified canidates?
All right say what you want about Mike Lewis. The man has paid his dues. It may not be what all of you want to hear but it is the truth. To mental midgets that worshiped the ground he walked you got what you deserved. Mike lewis is just aman just like the rest of us. He has trails and tribulations. He has the stress od running a large department when he could have retired and laid back teaching. He did not do that.
Tyr living in a fish bowl for all to see. This is not easy. I do not agree with all that i hear coming out of the Sheriff's Office.
One of the biggest things is all thought that a fresh start was underway. The downfall was that past grudges were carried over. Alliances were made among the top crew. They have never been closer than now. He definataly brought unity among the "Older Hunter and Doris henchmen". That I see as a huge setback. As for those that exspected freebies well you got just what you had coming. Go out and do the best job you can do.
I know Mike well and he loves those that go after criminals. If you are looking for the free ride it is not there. Those chits were filled a lonf time ago. You will have to stand on your own two feet and kick crimnal ass if you want recognition. There is no way around it.
There will be those have have the inside track to the easy life in this and all professions. There will be thosed that are damned for life for speaking their minds and bucking the system, the choice is yours. If you can kiss ass and do nothing to get ahead "Good for you". I will look in the mirror each morning and remember why I took this job. I hate crime, injustice in any form, and bias. I will never be a company man so to speak. If that is what a leader finds appealing then he or she will fail.
The best person for the job no matter what that should be the method of leadership followed. When favoritism is shown to those who do not work or derserve the spotlight it lowers moral and decays the very thing that makes cops so strong. When unity and trust is broken it is very hard to fix.
So I guess one can believe what they want. I still think Mike Iewis is a great cop. The man worked his entire career. maybe this Sheriffing business is not what he thought it was. maybe his trust have been diminished by thosethat have failed him. Not all diamonds are diamonds some are cubic zirconias. They are nothing more than a pretty package. That my brothers and sisters is hard to wade through.
I feel strongly that if lewis had brought in his own staff there would have been sweeping changes. The reallity is that was not financially possible. You got the Mike lewis drive and courage with the old regime mentallity. Hide bad shit from the boss. That is a tough place to be.
Given all the circumstances I think things are pretty good there, but they could be awesome if some minor tweaking was done by the big guy.
Fire at will I know i hear a ton of CRAP over this but the truth is the truth. Some were lableled before the man hit the door. Some sold brothers and friends to get ahead. Mike lewis had to rely and believe in what he was given as the truth.
The fact is some got just what they deserved and some got a major CRAPPING.
I dont know about you but i will forge on to lock up as many bad guys as I can no matter what.
The sun does not shine on the same dogs ass all the time.
It sounds to me a major meeting needs to take place and Mike Lewis needs to hear the truth from all. The men and women need to speak without fear.
I would vote agin for Lewis. If his men and wmoen are happy. It would be a no brainer. The guy has what it takes. The trickle down effect just needs to run down hill a little harder.
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