Here the poophead grinch says that he reported Joe Albero's "Shack" to Pittsville. Nothing better to do like go volunteer to help people in the city he touts.
As for the Grinch, keep up the finger pointing at Joe and the county and Joe keep the finger pointing at the city. Although calling attention to problems is needed, it does nothing to help solve these problems. If you are interested in solving these issues, Ginch, we recommend that you get more involved in civic duty and when you see an issue step up to the plate to render a fix for it. If you see a sidewalk that needs repairing, ask the city or county for the concrete and go out and fix the problem or volunteer to walk along side of our jail birds picking up garbage on the side of our highways. We will give Joe credit where credit is due, he has volunteered in clean ups several times in the city, church street areas and other areas. So in our book, although somewhat flamboyant, Joe at the least follows through with a lot of his ideals where as the Grinch is just an fool in a green mask. We do not however agree with Joe's prior bashing of the Fire Dept and Police departments as a whole. The grinch on the other hand has gone so far as to call the Mayor a homosexual. And, even if he is, what of it, who cares as long as he can get the crime rate down and improve the city. Maybe if the grinch was a homosexual he could get some play, from some poor bastard, somewhere. Maybe not, sorry, not to insult the homosexuals that you would want this harry walking peter. In fact if this poophead wanted to solve problems he could cut off a slice or chunk rather of his hamhock like ass and serve it up as scrapple to the homeless in the city. We don't have an issue with weight challanged people but this guy is so fat and ugly when he was born they tried to use a shoehorn to put him back in!
Albero today posted information and his reflection on the current state of crime in the city and the state essentially calling for Chief Webster's resignation. Of course the "Grinch" who is actually a guy named Johnathan Taylor, published a video feed with him lecturing to people what they should think but essentially insulting Joe Albero. Referencing an earlier article we wrote this month, Joe's drive against the Salisbury Police Department is due to some situation with his wife getting fired from the zoo some time ago and we believe the interaction he had with Webster during this issue. However, Joe was known to frequent the zoo constantly and snap pictures of the then zoo director. This Grinch fellow posts daily videos of himself (wearing a mask) lecturing to us. His most recent calls into question Joe's reporting of some juveniles or adults or whomever who were hanging out in the save-a-lot parking lot behind SPD at reportedly four AM (although there is some dispute about the time apparently). The grinch's entire outlook is to trash Joe with little or no real "news" value. In fact his ratio to insulting Joe to publishing "news" is about five to one. It's amazing that people have this much time to dedicate to a cause that does not benefit them, other than ego inflation, to the least financially or otherwise. This grinch guy has even gone so far as to market merchandise with "FUJA" printed on it (F you Joe Albero) which is kinda comical but really does nothing to benefit the city in which he touts as being a great place to live. This shithole?
As we all know, the crime rate in this city is outrageous and continues to escalate. Unfortunately, Chief Webster has done little to nothing in order to change this issue. We will be publishing more later today on our topic of How to Solve the Crime Problem, Chapter 3. However, Salisbury does need an aggressive Chief of Police that is not afraid to get his/her hands dirty and is not afraid of liability issues when enforcing the law. As of this point Chief Webster has done a lot of reorganizing but little has effected the growing crime problem. So, we are also going to work his department in our next article on how to solve crime problems with changes internally that would quell the fungus that is overtaking the city.
Look at this green retard wearing this stupid crap, where is Avnet when you need him to slap this retarded ass upside his head?! Just kidding Avnet ( No, Avnet took proper action when a mentally deranged man attempted to rob a store)
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