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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Shooting Rt 13 N, Shell Station

Another person was shot 3 times tonight at the Shell Station near the Salisbury Trailer Park. The trailer park has long been known for drug activity and to be home to undesirables. Gang members were recently seen hanging out in the area of the shell station. Crime is continuing to creep north into the commercial store area where once it was primarily south of Priscilla street. Remember don't get caught in a bad situation without your firearm. On or off-duty, carry it with you. It can save you life or your families life. An ordinary situation can become violent in a seconds time. Be ready to react. Remember to identify yourself as a police officer and remember the secret sign if confronted by a uniformed officer and you are off-duty in a hostile situation.

Tips for off-duty encounter with armed gunman in public area:
  1. Identify suspects from citizens and other possible off-duty police officers
  2. Verify suspect is armed
  3. Establish clear line of fire, if possible establish covered position if unable, concealed position
  4. Check background
  5. If feasible, identify yourself as a police officer
  6. Shoot to stop threat, shoot center of mass
  7. Scan after shooting, stay in position, do not approach suspect if down, yell to stay down
  8. If you are hit, do not give up, shoot to kill suspect
  9. Call on duty police, advise off-duty police officer on scene, give description of what you are wearing, name, and ID number
  10. Be ready to drop weapon if demanded by on duty units, give secret signal if required

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