One of the major issues of crime is that police officer these days are accountable for everything including what they do both on and off-duty. As police should be accountable for being above the line of the standard person. Therefore, yes cops are above other people. This crap philosophy of citizenry is equal to or somehow alike the police is ridiculous. Citizens feel that officers have to be angels of mercy. They want cops to protect them from the bad guys but if they take aggressive action, they are disciplined and even fired. Society can not have it's cake and eat it too. If you want to be a low crime society then Law Enforcement must be allowed to enforce laws, duh. Criminals don't care about laws or who they hurt or kill because they are criminals. Police officers have to worry about civil liability, camera phones, in car cameras, people recording them, being investigated internally and a whole host of other issues, not the least of which is getting killed on the road.
Law and Disorder

People, these are criminals and fools who you don't want breaking into your house, robbing you at gun point or shooting you in a store while you shop. But, yet we have people like Boykin writing negative articles about our law enforcement professionals to sell newspapers. Yet, we expect law enforcement to protect us. Please! Enough is enough. Lets rewind times back to the 1980's philosophy in law enforcement. The police are the police period. Let them do their jobs. If they have to wack some sense into some fool with a slap jack then more power to them. These criminals are not the innocent lambs that liberals would have you believe. Liberals want law enforcement to treat them with kid gloves, not hurt them or harass them, but yet want to feel protected inside their estates in the hills. As society continues to deteriorate things will only get exponentially worse. Time to take the handcuffs off law enforcement and authorize them to take care of business the right way. Getting sued is better then having one innocent citizen killed in the wake of these criminals. Poop on the
ir heads. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN USING EXCESSIVE FORCE TO EFFECT AN ARREST ON A CITIZEN FOR A MINOR VIOLATION AND USING APPROPRIATE FORCE TO EFFECT AN ARREST ON A CRIMINAL AND DETER CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR FROM REOCCURRING OR OCCURRING IN THE FUTURE OR IN THE FIRST PLACE. Respect from fear is healthy for a society, from authority figures. While people should not fear the police in a call for help sense they should have a healthy respect for the police. If you were brought up the right way you knew if your dad or mom got upset with you, you may get a swat across your lip or a wack with the belt. Your healthy fear of authority deterred unwanted behaviors. But you still respected them because they didn't use excessive force (i.e. abusive force) to get their point across. So evidently this works.

Police haters would have you believe the police are like Gestapo. Give us a break. That's fine, suspend police for a day and see what happens to your lovely home and H3. We bet you'll see an escalate pull up with 20" rims, bought with your tax dollars by the way, four guys with blue bandannas get out, shoot you in the face, and take your wife's jewelry while shes tied up and raped in a hall closet. Cause, that's about the extent of what you got right now and we are slipping downhill fast. While we are at it, reinstate corporal punishment in schools and capital punishment in this state. Here's a great idea... with crime on the rise lets do away with capital punishment and house these animals for 50 years on your dime.
Time to take law enforcement's gloves off if you want a safe environment in this WICBURY CRAPPER.
We definitely think alike here. I retired a little while ago and I've always said if police work could go back how it was we wouldn't have alot of the problems we have today. And, yes, corporal punishment would go a long way in todays world.
Lets take policing back a bit further to the mid/late 60's when the riot squads were sitting on greyhound buses just waiting for that call to action. GAR ON TEED to break up even the black panthers crowds.
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