Okay so we've made it this far on how to solve crime problems. First, better communication between law enforcement agencies, second allow cops to be cops and to use force where force is needed. This brings us to Chapter 3..
Chapter 3 - Judicial SystemEveryone knows that if you go to the wrong judges court room it's like watching puke colored paint dry. Sitting through a long and drawn out, whatever it is, on some crazy issue that could take five minutes to decide and solve. However, for whatever reason some judge want us to sit through their endless and mind numbing stories of nothing. Most of the time after a 30 min. endless speech on whatever, the suspect is given a PBJ. There is something seriously wrong with this. Judges like that should be removed from the bench to prevent a total collapse of our judicial system. When criminals know the judges are a joke who don't hand out time, just a no no, this creates a revolving door. These people should not be judge they should get a job as an insurance salesman somewhere. Get rid of these people and install judges that care and make fair decisions. These poor excuse for judicial officers are why the system has so many problems and why it takes time, after time, after time to get the case to court. If a suspect is given an advisory at the commissioners office, to get and attorney, why do we let him postpone the case to get an attorney? The suspect's dumb ass couldn't figure out to get an attorney? No, he knows. He knows that if he goes to court without an attorney he can play the system. Make it two more times and then request a jury trial and another postponement for a two months.
How about this new system. You are advised by the commissioner (as currently is) that you have the right to an attorney. First time case comes up, make a decision, either jury trial (if warranted) or heard in district court. No attorney, proceed today. Why do we allow criminals to schedule their cases because they "were busy" and could not get an attorney? What about thousands of man hours each year paid to cops that would rather be home doing something else on their day off? Why is preference given to accused criminals?
We poop on them. You commit a capitol offense, death by hanging in front of the court house. Rape=death, armed robbery=death, murder=death. Better yet, remember that movie "The Running Man"...not a bad idea...Save taxpayers money on housing them and entertains the masses while deterring crime.
Juvenile Injustice

What a complete and total joke this system is. An arrest takes place for a felony charge ad they are released back to the parent, who is probably a felon themselves. The juvenile gets arrested ten more times for lets say, drug distribution, and they get released back to their parent again with a joke of a court to follow up with. The only juveniles that get (rarely) detained are the ones that essentially piss off someone who holds their keys, like the DJJ Officer or the Judge. Another revolving door system that MANUFACTURES criminals. By the time these criminals are 18 they know the system inside and out and know that it's a joke. What kind of a place are these juvenile homes? These places are also a joke. They house criminals but the staff can't do anything to correct their behaviors except for "moving them a step" like losing movie privilege for night. Give us a break. How about if these criminals are committing crimes or acting a fool, "one across the lip" (as fred sanford used to say)? This system needs to be totally erased and start from scratch. It's obviously broken, very broken.
If you put a criminal juvenile in a juvenile facility there should be no damn PlayStation's and Wii's laying around. Put them to work on a chain gang. If they don't listen to staff at a juvenile home, one across the lip. Still don't listen? One across the jaw. The behavior will change eventually. So, to fix the DJJ system, intake officer decides if the juvenile warrants detention or a smack upside his head. If detained, put to work immediately until trial. If found guilty, hard labor for sentence. Personally we like the whole public caning thing.
1 comment:
Does anybody remember the Lower Shore Drill Academy.
As a civilian I was allowed to tour the Academy and was most impressed by the Academy staff and their approch to reabilitating the juveniles.
Than along comes former Gov Erlich who shuts it down because it was more succesful than State programs.
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