How to Solve Crime Problems (and make friends)
Chapter Four - Need For Local Legislative Action for Change
It's interesting how when driving up Route 13 or 50, specifically route 13 we see any number of "zombies" walking around all hours of the night, people standing on the street corners, and hookers working the local gas station and thrift travel inn. We see the same people walking around at three o'clock in the morning, walking from the Church Street area to the Thrift Travel then to Chesapeake Inn. What are these people doing? Where are these people going? Most of the people are either crack heads (we include the prostitutes) or crack dealers. The crack heads mostly wander around all hours of the night looking for their next hit of cocaine. The prostitutes walk around looking for johns so they can get their next hit of cocaine and the guys walking around who aren't looking for crack are either selling crack or watching the prostitutes (pimps).
And who wouldn't like a BJ from this lovely young lady? Well, shes no body from around these parts but as we know, they are seen all over Salisbury, specifically the Church Street area and other areas. If you look close, or far you can see her skull under her skin. Nice eh? Is this want you want to see walking around your city streets night after night. A walking zombie.
Typically your local drug dealer lives in the "inner city" (which most of Salisbury is) or the Booth Street/West Road/Reservation areas. They live in a shit hole, they're yard looks like shit with stuff strewn about, empty baggies littering the front yard, no grass, and a tricycle laying on it's side, with a Escalade with 20" rims parked out front (chrome rims). The rims, by the way, cost about
t $1500.00 a piece. OR they will have a piece of shit crown Victoria (with spotlight) parked out front with the same 20" rims. The drug dealers don't work and are typically "disabled" on SSI and have "Attention Deficit Disorder" or some other type of pretend ailment that prevents them from being a productive member of society. Their housing is paid for by you, they pay about $15 a month. They get free food, which you also pay for (the Independence card) which they share and barder with (the crackheads use it as currency to buy drugs). They have a 50" plasma or projection television in their living room (rent a center) and a PS3 and XBOX 360 (both stolen in burglaries). They also have free health care. If they walk into any hospital, which can't refuse them service based on indecency, they get free health care, on your dime. They are also provided with a county health care card, also on your dime, which provides them with free health care. SO, obviously they have a lot of free time and money on their hands to deal drugs. Hence, drug dealers. Notice how the new neighborhood watch signs picture a guy wearing his hat backwards, covering his face with a mask.
Anyone that says Salisbury doesn't have a gang problem is an idiot. Salisbury and the county have serious gang problems. The "bloods" have filtered down from whatever rock they've crawled out from under, and now have organized to sell drugs, rob people, and commit burglaries. Last week a group threw a chemical bomb into a residence which exploded! Also, have you noticed how many ghetto peoples are wearing red these days? We wish we had the patent on red clothing die because we'd be millionaires just like the gas stations selling white and black tee shirts three years ago. Red is the color that's in currently. Funny that all the armed robberies (or most of them) have been occurring with blue bandannas over their faces. But there is also a known crips problem so it could be some of those idiots also. Not everyone wearing red is a gang members of course. It's like a fashion trend almost. You get the gang members wearing red, then the kids are wearing red, now the old people are wearing red. Not all these people are gang members obviously, but they like wearing red because it's the "cool" thing to do to show alliance with their local street hoodlums.
So, what can we do to change these issues. Local legislative action. Although the local legislature (meaning the city and county government) can not enact laws over riding state laws they can enact laws enhancing or adding to state laws. Which is why almost every type of fighting knife and BB gun, air soft, etc. is illegal in ocean city and will get you arrested. This is because the local city legislature passed bans on these items. The legislature can also pass bans or moratoriums on specific types of businesses under zoning regulations such as porn shops and head shops (ocean city has done this as well). They can even ban specific types of pipes if the pipe is described accurately. They can ban anything really and make it a local arrestable offense.
So first a moratorium is needed on porn shops and head shops. Because come on, who the hell wants to ride up route 13 and see "SEX STYLE" right on the corner of Church Street. What a shit hole. Can we add anymore vice to this area? If these shops already exist local legislature can TAX THEM OUT OF EXISTENCE. Local legislator can pass laws making it a requirement that anyone selling obscene material or certain types of pipes pay $500,000.00 a year (or whatever). Business close. Then any other establishment that would want to open falls under the moratorium. Ahhhh haaaaa!
This also applies to our street walkers and zombies walking around. Local legislators can pass no loitering laws from dusk to dawn (or whenever) in specific areas, subject to immediate arrest.
So first a moratorium is needed on porn shops and head shops. Because come on, who the hell wants to ride up route 13 and see "SEX STYLE" right on the corner of Church Street. What a shit hole. Can we add anymore vice to this area? If these shops already exist local legislature can TAX THEM OUT OF EXISTENCE. Local legislator can pass laws making it a requirement that anyone selling obscene material or certain types of pipes pay $500,000.00 a year (or whatever). Business close. Then any other establishment that would want to open falls under the moratorium. Ahhhh haaaaa!
This also applies to our street walkers and zombies walking around. Local legislators can pass no loitering laws from dusk to dawn (or whenever) in specific areas, subject to immediate arrest.
Next Topic, Chapter 5, Drug enforcement!
Couldn't agree more
loitering laws were determined to be unconstitutional by the courts years ago. Under the declaration or martial law this would be a different story. Be careful though. Giving the government too much power is a dangerous thing. Zoning porn to s specific area is one thing but to tax it out of existence is using the power of the government to usurp a 1st amendment right. You're on a slippery slope here guy. I'm all about slamming the drug dealers, zombies, crack ho's, etc., but we have to play by the rules (the U.S. Constitution) or we will quickly become socialists.
The flexibility of our constitution is far to broad at this point and has created much of the problems we have today. We are all for freedom of the individual but at what expense? Do we want to live in an environment that we have today? Socialism is not a bad idea entirely as long as it is not taken far. There is no reason to claim it is acceptable to sell porn on a street corner one corner down from an open air drug and prostitution market where we have to drive through every day with out children. The courts have become far too liberal interpreting the elasticity of the constitution and this we have the problems we have today.
Do you think the founding fathers of our great country who were governed by s much stricter moral code and society standards envisioned the world we have today?
We are on a slippery slope now and sliding into the crapper fast. Society must have a level control or you have what we are faced with now. Close to anarchy. Our country is only several hundred years old and already tearing self apart in the name of personal freedoms.
I knew you guys were the Police. Who else is up this time of night, right? I respect your opinions. Just so you know I'm in no way a liberal. I think that more than one appeal is too many, I believe that our borders should be closed and that any illegal immigrant should be deported post haste. I support the idea of pre-emptive strikes provided the intelligence shows the necessity. I secretly feel that the arrest of drug dealers should automatically include a little "stick time" since it's the only real justice they're ever gonna see. I also believe that the B&R program should be immediately integrated with the Maryland criminal justice system as a way to clear the court backlog and reduce budgetary overtime expenses - just kidding - maybe. But I digress
I don't think personal freedoms are tearing this country apart. I think that liberal judges mis-interpreting the constitution is eroding our nations foundation - which is one of the things tearing this nation apart. I don't believe that ANY level of socialism is acceptable. I'm all about the U.S. Constitution and it's intent. Having re-thought what I wrote earlier relating to the porn stores I must change my position. It cannot be viewed in the context in which the courts HAVE applied the 1st amendment but rather the context in which the framers of the constitution intended. Although the courts have protected this type of expression under the first amendment, I don't believe that this was the type of self expression intended by the framers to be protected. I believe that this is one of those circumstances where the courts have expanded the meaning beyond it's intended scope. This is just one of many rulings that serves only to tear at the moral fiber of our nation. It can serve no other purpose. So, Wicbury, I must disagree with your position that the constitution is too flexible - it's not. The constitution is rigid. If we live by it and govern with the restrictions it places on the government, our society would be a different place. The rulings and mis-interpretations of the courts make it seem flexible.
Anon (I don't know what time - you may consider placing times on the comments since your site will no doubt get busier and it will be difficult for people to address specific comments without being able to accurately and/or specifically identifying which comment they're referring to) - the reason we're so close to anarchy is because our courts have deviated from the specific intent of the Constitution. So much so that people have been extended freedoms that trample the rights of others.
I'm at Denny's with my wife and two young kids eating breakfast. Seated at the booth behind us are three young adults having a normal conversation that includes frequent use of the "F bomb". It becomes immediately offensive to me that my wife and kids are subjected to this language. I politely ask them to mind their language and they tell me they have a right to say what they want. The way the courts currently rule - the young adults are correct. They were not directing their language to me and therefore they were not "fighting words" as defined by caselaw and would, therefore, be considered protected under the first amendment. BUT is that the intent of the 1st amendment? I don't think so. The 1st amendment recognized the right of the people to speak out and express displeasure in their government without fear of reprisal. It was NEVER intended to be extended to give some morally depraved individual the right to use foul language (IMHO).The rulings that support, and indeed encourage, this type of behavior are specifically what has led to the degradation of our society. Not a flexible constitution.
Cops? Cops?! Your up this time of night! Ha! But a ver impressive and knowledge response. If we had more people like you and less morons walking the earth we would be a great place to live and its discourse such as this that makes america a great place and is hy we are afforded protection by the constitution. Consider being a contributor to our humble crapper.
W/C - how do you know that I am not or wasn't one of you - he he. I've been thinking about it since I read the note relating to looking for contributors. I would like to but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to contribute much since I don't have a lot of time. Maybe, it looks like a lot of fun and a good way to exchange thoughts and information.
Couple of questions though since I don't always get the inside skinny.
Is Scott from WCSO still leaving and going to flight school?
Has Moses taken over the acadeny yet?
Is Pilchard (MSP) still doing the DI thing at the academy?
Is Beav still part time at Fruitland with Mike and Sandy?
Is Webster still at Salisbury?
Is Remo still with Delmar?
Is Elmer back to work yet?
Man I have been busy and haven't been able to catch up on the goings on.
I like your comment, "Anyone that says Salisbury doesn't have a gang problem is an idiot." May I use that in my presentations? Dan Dougherty
Mr. Dougherty, you may absolutly use that comment in presentations as long as you tag line it as the "WicBury Crapper" site as we are a site of a collective "hive mind". Creepy, eh?
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