No the most important thing in your life is evidently snacks. What would you do for a Klondike -BA-AR, ya fat sow?
Okay, that's great Grinchy, hater of all cops. Who the hell are you to dictate who spends time with their family. And, how would you know, are you a family monitor or what. If you are going to go out better make sure the rascal scooter has a full charge to cart your lard ass around! Get a life you fat, puss filled, bloated, cheese eating, sweaty, fat maggot.
that is one disgusting looking puke of a "man"
For what it's worth, I spent Saturday, (the entire day) on the Wicomico River and the Bay.
Perhaps the slob didn't notice no comments went up the entire day and or Posts for the weekend being very slim.
I will add, if you think Jonathan is bad with Cops, you should keep a keen eye on John Robinson, the biggest hater of all time with Cops.
Love your Site, by the way. I'm excited to finally see a Blog out there that offers SOLUTIONS! I wish I wasnh't so busy and had the time to do so but I'll keep watch of things here and if it stays respectable I'll be sure to Post this Blog for others to see.
I know the time it takes to manage a Blog and my hat is tipped to you for giving up your time to give back to the community.
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