Okay, okay peoples we get that Officer Crockett is a good police officer. Thanks for his nomination 15 times over! But, that was just a nomination. Some posts we got were two or three minutes apart? Kind of odd. So, we are going to do the only fair thing possible which is put it to a vote. Each month we will take NOMINATIONS (!) for a supervisor (Sgt. and below) and an Officer at which time we will narrow the choices down to several and post them for a vote. The nice thing about the voting system is it only allows one computer to vote one time on each question. Each supervisor and officer can only win one month, then must skip a month of nominations unless there is a special circumstance that warrants his or her nomination for two months in a row (there are only so many free dinners were are giving one guy people). Lets all make this fair. Lastly, most of the comments have either been positive in support of a particular officer or negative in an opinion perspective, which we will publish. However, some abusive idiot commented, "(Officer/Trooper/Deputy) is a Pussy". That comment was not posted and will not be posted.
Kiss our ass. We ignore comments that have no deciding value and are only prompted either out of jealousy or because the writer of the post is a sorry piece of crap who doesn't belong wearing a badge in the first place.
We poop on you. People like that are what's wrong in police work, a lack of solidarity, which this award is trying to promote. We are not letting it go down like that. So please see the
poll to the right to vote on who you think has what it takes to be this months top cop. Once all votes are in we will make a final determination of who to award the prize to. This is not a popularity contest. So even if Officer "X" is a popular guy but is totally undeserving of the prize, even though people voted for him, tough crap. We run this show and we give our award to who we want. However, we do give serious consideration to the vote tally and initial nominations. There is no fix in this contest because frankly you don't know who we are so there is no ass for us to kiss!
-WicBury Crapper
1 comment:
Fish for King of Salisbury. Sgt. of the month
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