Again, we have all the answers! Annnnnyways, so they indicated that they anticipated a spike or increase in crime due to the poor economy about a year and a half ago. However, staffing levels for patrol in most of these departments is dangerously low. Some of these departments only have two or three people working the road per shift. Low staffing and shortages mean increased response times, very poor officer safety, limited or no ability to establish a perimeter directly after a violent crime, no K-9 available on the road, and other serious issues. Although, budget cuts are a problem with all agencies, agencies should prioritize the safety of their citizens and officers in place of toys, equipment, and flashy stuff for appearance. Agencies should cut back on things like, for instance, landscaping, custom carpeting, new offices, comfy chairs and other expenditures designed to solely enhance the image of the agency. It does nothing for the safety of the residents or the police officer's ability to respond and control crime in an exponentially increasing crime ridden area. Funnel the money into better tactical training, weapons training, better equipment for road officers, more positions, or even long guns! "We've got calls stacking! Your time to clear?!"
Made me proud to be one. It was a little late in the game,but this is what I am talking about. We need a united front.
Ill let you know what some of the major issues around here are for law enforcement.
First of all, there are WAY TOO MANY admin positions in our agencies. I can't tell you how many times I see admin sitting around talking for hours at a time. And it's funny how they end up working overtime after hours and during weekends for speed enforcement, ect., when that OT was never offered to the lower levels. That's always interesting. Admin is always driving around in there nice brand new unmarked cars, with more lights and gadgets then road officers, however they never see the need to handle a call for service. You see, they feel because they are higher on the food chain, that they are now beyond police work. Serving the public and handling calls, NO Way, that's what the 3 officers working the entire county/city are supposed to do. And take a report??? Are you kidding me!!?? There is absolutely no reason why some of these agencies need six to seven admin guys working mon-fri 8-4 sitting on their fat butts all day, second guessing everything we road cops do. So you see, Noone really cares about decreasing crime. It's all a front to make the public feel like they are doing their jobs. But if they really did care about enforcement, they would make some DRASTIC changes in the way manpower is dispersed. I bet most of the NASCAR PIT CREW couldn't handle one week on the road without bitching and moaning. But hey, they're above that, remember? They did their six months "on the road" or their six months "in cid" years ago. Now they are "entitled" to their cush office and new car, and mon through fri schedule, while the rest of us bust our asses everyday to work in this county. I guess they forgot about that oath they took.
My time to clear?? My time to clear!? When i'm f*cking done!! That's when, now sit your fat ass back in the dispatch chair and eat your cheeseburger
That meeting was all show. They don't give a crap about the cops working the road, that much is clear. They said we have people working day and night trying to put and end to this (crime spree).The city said they have two people coming out of the academy and eight going into the academy. Well the two that just got out will take two months to train. And the eight going in will not get out for six months and then there is a two month field training after that. So, they are no good for eight months from now! Thats a bunch of crap too. How about you pay and treat people better and retain them instead of turning them over all the time?? I don't know about you'all but after 4pm there's no administration working in my agency or detectives usually! As far as Sheriff Lewis, he is incredibly convincing to the media and people and very personable but has done nothing proactive to stop crime. He had a "ACE" team which consisted of two people, which got shut down after only two years. No other specialized units have been created. Nothing to control crime. Then they treat us like crap, send us e-mails yelling at us about soda machines and shredders and expect us to go out there and make them look good arresting people and having to go to court after working a midnight shift and on our days off?! What happened when the Sheriff came to SOME shifts and said "Things will change". But, nothing has changed. Load of crap. Try treating your employees better Chiefs and Sheriffs and maybe you'll get some respect from your personnel who will then perform. Everyone at WCSO dreads, DREADS coming into work each day. The agency sucked all the fun out of police work. People won't work when miserable. Theres nothing motivating them to do any better. Read a book or take a course on personnel management in police work.
AMEN, if we stand together we can change the next election outcome. BUT WE HAVE TO STAND TOGETHER. They want us seperate with discourse in the ranks because it makes it eaiser for them to run amuck. Stay safe.
Are you one of Sheriff Lewis's media darlings? He is a ego manic that has not produced the change he ran on and his troops have not forgotten. Moral at WCSO is lower than ever.
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