Many people in the Wicbury Crapper metro area think that because something is written on a blog it must be true. Or moreover, because there are multiple comments (either negative or positive) a lot of people must be reading the blog or at least commenting on the blog. Therefore for instance I were to publish an article to make (as an example) that I didn't like Chief/Deputy/Officer/Sheriff "X" and there are 50 followup comments about how "X" sucks, then many people must dislike "X" right? Makes sense. Bullshit. Also you will see blog operators, or whatever we are called, say that their website is number 1! Whoohoo. Or that a blog site is not including up to the minute "news". Who cares? If you want news, turn on Fox News (or CNN if you like, commie). A blog is not a news source. Even the daily times is a slanted (liberal) news source. They don't invent the news but they publish what they feel will sell newspapers, controversy. Check the comments out under this article. I'm going to invent a topic.. The topic of this article is how great the WicBury Crapper is?.. Go read the comments!
The crapper is my fav blog.. screw the other blogs, yours is the best.
I looooovvveee the Crapper! I use it all the time!
Okay so previous two comments were posted by me, The WicBury Crapper, the blog owner. Although you'd never know it because the blogger lets you publish under anonymous, even if you are the blog owner. So, take blog responses with a grain of salt. As a blog owner I could inflate a topic by just responding to my own posting to stur the pot or make it appear that I have many more responses than I do. Hence is why you see some blog operators say, "Wow! 276 responses so far today." Well 276 of them could be coming from the blog operator trying to pretend to be users of the blog. Same with talking smack about someone on here. And, consider the source of the blog... Do you think the blog owner is the type of person who would respond to his own posts in order to make a person look bad? He probably is posting bullshit responses!
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