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Saturday, June 27, 2009

When is the public going to realize that cops need to be cops to do the job and protect citizens. Or is it a just a poor economy?? What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I don't think that will ever happen. Unless you are in the profession, you won't understand. because they don't deal with it first hand like we do, day in day out. We know the issues and when people lie to get away with things. It's like a joke between us and the criminals, they play the game by their own admission because they know the Judges and Jury's will buy into it. They tell us one thing on the street and act totally opposite in front of the Judge/Jury, like Saints. The Judge/Jury buys it and they walk out of the courtroom with no real punishment. How many times do we hear "I was abused as a child" or "I've got a drug problem" when they sit in court, but out on the streets they act like animals and leech off of the system and laugh about their "act" in court.
To hell with civility in this use to be great Country of ours, it's gone to hell in a handbasket and we can blame the Judges/Court system for it!

Anonymous said...

People are becoming softer on crime as time goes by. Judges, juries, citizens, all of them. If they or someone they know becomes a victim, their tune will change. LEO's become hardened and go in the opposite direction of the aforementioned. The more slack you cut the criminal the worse he/she get - starting with the Juveniles. And you're right - LEO's know the truth because they live everyday. They take it home. They eat with it and they sleep with it. Believe me I know. I'm not sure I understand completely what you mean when you ask "When is the public going to realize that cops need to be cops to do the job and protect citizens."