Some organizations want to make all drugs legalized including a police organization such as LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)

http://www.leap.cc/cms/index.php. These people sell shirts and lapel badges saying "COPS SAY LEGALIZE DRUGS". What's wrong with these people, are they on drugs themselves? Well, oxicodone and Oxycontin are legal drugs along with methadone and yet still people are breaking into pharmacies and selling these drugs on the street for $20 to $40 a pill in some areas. So, if drugs were legalized, would the government control it like oxi? Wouldn't we have the same problem we have now but worse? Would the government be in control of distributing crack cocaine and methamphetamine? That'd be real good. Why not, they inspect our beef and produce to protect us so we would assume that drugs would fall under the FDA also just like over the counter medications and prescriptions. So, you need a prescription for an antibiotic but its okay to buy uncontrolled drugs on a street corner? What do you think?
Some countries have legalized some drugs and they have zombies walking around their cities hooked on heroine. http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/country-overviews/nl
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