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Sunday, June 21, 2009

MSP require 100 Stops?

100 Tickets per month per trooper?
MSP's unoffical rule at the Salisbury Barrick is now 100 stops per month per trooper. We thought quotas were illegal? Making troopers turn in a 100 stops per month is tatimount to a quota. We understand that they can issue warnings or citations however, it's still a quota no matter how you slice it.If traffic safety is their immedate concern then shouldn't have administration kept the troops writing accident reports within their jurisdiction of the Salisbury Barrick? If MSP is not running calls for service as much and not writing accident reports, are they going to be a traffic only barrick? We know that the Sheriff's Office and the Maryland State Police line officers work well together. It would be a shame to see MSP Salisbury turn into a traffic only barrick like others in Maryland. If MSP's administration thinks that 100 stops is a good idea then maybe they can spare some Troopers and cut them back to 50 stops and reassign them to gang, robbery, and drug interdiction around Salisbury! But, that makes no money for the state :( The primary concern of any and all police agencies should be fighting crime while traffic enforcement, although imporant for public safety, comes second.


Anonymous said...

That's bullshit!

Anonymous said...

Now calm down 'LT'...

Anonymous said...

I remember when you had to write ten citations at the begining of your shift before you could even go to the barracks. Its a "work expectancy" to measure, and to ensure minimum output from an employee (Trooper). I agree with a minimum, however it should be a reasonable goal to include all actions, ie: criminal summons, warrants, on views, warnings, EROs, and so on. Some agencies use a point system, where each action is rated and a minimum # of points has to be achieved by shift end.

Anonymous said...

face it the State Of maryland pays the bills for MSP. If the fine monies reverted back to City and County all our asses would be writing tickets. Is it fair, no way. MSP still has its own version of the Good Ole boy network.

I recently heard the Col. want to bring back retired troopers as T.F.C.s talk about taking care of the seniors. W.T.F. O. Malley and his puppet need to go.