Blog sites Salisbury and Wicomico County such as the tend to bring us filtered, slanted, laced with personal retribution, tied into government figures, and plainly politically motivated "news", we do no such thing. Poop on that. We are in the business of not being in the business of making brownie points (brown nosing) or payback for what ills us. However, we will share out opinion with you, you may agree or disagree and frankly we don't give a crap either way. Therefore, we called this blog what it should be called, a crapper or shitter if you will (we were trying to be nice) which we feel emulates the general feeling you get while living in the City of Salisbury and some parts of the county. Lets face it, the county is generally nicer than the city. It just is. Who the hell wants to live on Smith street, Delaware Ave, Church Street, Homer Street or any of those other shit holes? Seriously.
Anyways, welcome to our blog, we hope you enjoy it. Just have a couple of quick rules...
- Yes this blog is moderated. That means if I don't like what you say I just don't post your crap. Remember, this is a toilet but I like to keep the wipes close by.
Don't talk crap about people who you have very little knowledge of or have no experience in dealing with. Jumping on the bandwagon is wrong when you don't know what the hell you are talking about. That's our job. And if we don't like what you are saying on who you are saying it about we may publish your comment but, we may poop on your face. - We support all police agencies and their personnel. Although some, very few, cops are idiots. However, we are not in the practice of screwing with them or being an annoyance to them. Poop on that. They protect us. If we find that a cop is getting hammered on other sites, we may or may not support that cop based on our own research and information.
- Although we will find fault with police agencies and local governments, this does not mean we dislike their police personnel or government personnel. It just means we are right and they are wrong, obviously. We reserve the right to be always right.
- A dog never shits where he sleeps. That has no real application here, we just like the saying.
- You have no idea of who we are and you will never know who we are. Don't bother trying to figure it out. We know you can't get our IP address even though you can bullshit that you can. You can wonder, ponder, and accuse us of being various people but the truth is poop on you and paranoia. It's a crappy blog, get over it. It's here for your and our amusement, little else. If you don't like it, double poop on you. :)
- We don't care where we "rate" in the blog world... we are a toilet... who cares. This is not a "news organization" or an "MSM". It's a place for crappy opinions.
- Enjoy!
-Members of The WicBury Crapper
WooHoo! At least there's an "honest" blog! I can't wait to see whats on here :)
AHhhhhhhhhhahahaha. This site is funny as hell.
Glad you asked.. See the next article, or somewhere up there. It gives you info on signing up to be a contributor or columnist or whatever the poo.
How can I write poop for this blog?? Where can I sign up?
Can't wait to read more of this crap! Let the diarrhea of the mouth and minds begin!
Thanks to whomever you are for your bravery (some would say stupidity). I appreciate what you are trying to do....keep it up.
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